
Last time I shared my point of view on the defination of travel.

I mentioned that I will later on intro to you all about my thiking of traveling alone and traveling with others.


因為本人目前在減肥, 所以理當不能食言而肥(正經貌

I won’t dumb you guys if I’ve ever said so here it is!


不知道你們會不會這樣想, 還是我本身腦子怪怪的, 但是我常常在思考一個問題.

Not sure whethere there is someone doing the same as I, but I always thinking a question-


就是”此時此刻, 在_____, 他們現在會在幹嘛?”

which is, “what are they doing in ______ meanwhile?”


是的 這個______ 可以填上各個地方, 各個角落.

Yes, you can fill out any place in this _______.



就好像我們現在晚上9點, 天黑嘛嘛一片, 殊不知倫敦的日落是他們的晚上9點.

Just a thought that when it’s 9pm in TW and the sky is dark, while 9pm is just the time for sun to go home.


就好像我們現在家庭聚餐打飽嗝, 衣索匹亞現在不知道有多少人因為長期營養不良所缺乏營養物造成肚子膨大(紅孩兒症).

Just like when we finished family gathering dinner, how many ppl in Ethiopia now suffering Kwashiorkor because of chronic malnutrition and lack of nutrients.


就好像我們現在下班洗完澡剛登入LoL, 美國那邊已經睡成一片 (雖然還是很多人在線上啦)

Just as when we off-duty, got back to home and just logged on LoL US Server and realized that ppl there already in deep sleep.

(well, tho still many players onlone~ 😛 )


就好像我們期待著好天氣可以外拍晚上的星星, 殊不知挪威天天都在看北極光 

Just as we looking forward to good weather so we can do Night shooting, while almost every day in Norway can see the so called northern lights.


是不是每次想到這些阿哩阿雜的東西, 就很想包包行李款款哩~走! 我們到____去! 

Don’t you feel that every time you thought of these, you want to pack up ur things and set off immediately?!



So, what’s the Pros of traveling alone?!


一個人旅行, 你不用怕你想看得跟另外一個人不一樣.

By traveling alone, you don’t need to be afraid that the view you want to visit is differ from the others.


一個人旅行, 你不用怕你時間不夠時的取捨需要考慮到他人的喜好.

By traveling alone, you don’t need to consider others’ preference when you are running out of time.


一個人旅行, 你不用擔心有人生病感冒或是身體不是耽誤了你的行程.

By traveling alone, you don’t need to take care of others when they are sick or catch cold and delay your schedule.


一個人旅行, 你不用擔心你想停留在哪個地點拍多久的照, 快門曝光多久.

By traveling alone, you can stay at the same place and re-take as many pics as you want until you got your best one.



一個人旅行, 在你累得半死的時候, 不會有人一直在旁邊跟你上下鋪聊天.


By traveling alone, you can sleep like dead instantly without someone mur mur beside you and expect a night chat.




一個人旅行, 你不用害怕你在那些時候出糗大覺會被認識的聽到(笑

By traveling alone, you can shout as loud as you want without being heard by acquaintances.


*照片是我在紐西蘭Franz Josef 從16,000英尺高空跳傘的照片.

I did Sky Diving when I was traveling in Franz Josef in NZ. I jumped down from 16,000ft height.



一個人旅行, 你可以養成主動出擊的個性, 因為沒有人會幫你.

By traveling alone, you can train yourself to be a person who is able to be initiative, cuz no one will help you either way.



一個人旅行, 你必須練就並領悟語言的重要, 因為路長在嘴巴上. 

By traveling alone, you have to practise and realize the importance of the language, cuz you can only find the right way by “asking”.



這麼一來, 你可以依照你的計劃去走

This way, you can let everything follow your plan.


這麼一來, 你可以使用僅剩時間篩選你不想錯過的景點去衝

This way, you can filter out the place that you want to visit the most without wasting time.


這麼一來, 你可以不用擔心被傳染或是拖延計畫

This way, you don’t have to worry the cold passes to you or delay your plan.


這麼一來, 你就可以拍到你拍了無數張之後終於角度/補光/快門和曝光調整的最好的一張紀念. 

This way, you can take the pics you want the most after countless adjusts of angle / fill light / shutter and exposure.



Last few weeks, I read an article wrote by “qiao zi” in the title of the Love in 20.30 and 40.


裡面寫道It says




The so-called stay together day and night no matter anywhere and do everything together are the processes of every love, butthese are not always the requirements.


Happiness is not seeing everything together but taking each other’s hearts to experience. Eventually back and share with each other.

Because sharing is the best part of the real happiness.



I really feel pretty the same as what she/he wrote.


很多人都習慣性地覺得, 家人, 朋友, 情侶 就理所當然是兩個人一起去.

The Stereotypes let us always consider traveling together with family, friends, mate are the must.


對我而言, 旅行是這樣的. 旅行, 不一定要兩個人一起去,

However, for me, Travel doesn’t require that we must travel with another one.


因為幸福, 是可以帶著彼此的心去闖, 去體驗, 去紀錄, 然後再回來跟對方分享,

Because the real happiness is bringing each other’s heart to experience, to record, to expost and eventually back to each other and share.


因為懂得分享快樂, 悲傷, 喜悅和視野才是真正的幸福.

Understanding how to share happiness, sadness, horizons, and amaze is the real happiness.


多少人朝夕相處, 卻不敢或不想與對方分享心裡話呢?

How many of us staying with another one day and night and forgot to share how you feel?



How many of us living at home with family and always forgot to share your emotions and news?


多少人在現在這個世界, 遇到事情就是拿起手機PO上網, 而不是與朋友討論開導呢?

How many of us picking up the phones and post status online when facing problems instead of calling fds and make a chat to talk about it?


你是嗎? 妳是嗎? 我是嗎? 她是嗎? 他是嗎?

Are you? Am I? Is she? Is he?


最後~端午節到了, 先別管你是不是了, 你吃了粽子嗎?

Last but not least, here comes Dragon Festivle. Have you tried any Rice dumplings yet?

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Written by


📌Born in Taiwan, been lived in more than 7 countries.

🗣️中国語.英語.台湾語.広東語/日本語勉強中(꒪˙꒳˙꒪ )

🎁 23rd April

📘 University of Queensland 2011-2012 (MA)

💃 旅行が好き、写真が好き、漫画が好き、アニメが好き、新しいものが好き。

📧 kennietraveling@gmail.com