

Taiwan, the Heart of Asia.


歷經這一場北捷陰霾, 大家人心惶惶, 新聞媒體無時無刻都在播報,


Think many ppl already heard the tragedy at Taipet MRT on May 21st,2014.


我希望恐懼轟炸下的我們不要忘記, 台灣●其實很美


We can see News channels boardcasting all related news 24hrs per day and which makes us almost forget the real beauty of TW.


這次的事件, 希望跟前陣子的豪大雨一樣可以漸漸的雨過天晴  我們仍看的見彩虹

Through this case, I hope this lovely society can subside as how the rain went in past few days.

We hope that we still can see beautiful rainbows.




Let us check this MV again, “Heartbeat of Taiwan” (Eng Sub check here:



For real, each time I listen this song, my eyes are full of tears.


國外新聞台都會限定不超過幾頻道, 台灣媒體過度的渲染+各式花樣報導導致很多唯恐天下不亂或是不實及腥膳色的報導.

In Western countries, the News channels are few while TW got a tons.

For gaining higher view rate, they add on many interesting but unreal materials in.


請關上電視, 走去去看看, 體會台灣的在地情.  台灣,其實很棒, 請用心去體會.


When you got enough of those News, turn off your TV and walk out.

Use ur heart to feel it, TW is actually still warm, hospitality and beautiful.



如果你到苗栗好望角, 你可以看到賣菜頭和一些農作物的婆婆媽媽, 他們不會只跟你推銷, 還會跟你聊天.

If you got chance to visit, Cape of Good Hope in Miaoli, you can meet many elders there selling vege to you.

But they won’t keep promoting them and hoping you to buy, instead, they chat with you, smile with you.



當我一人先鋒衝下去拍火車時, 我媽竟然跟婆婆成為好朋友 (雖然她平時就很常莫名其妙跟每個人聊起來XD

When the time I jump down for taking pics of the train, my mom already became fds with those small but friendly vendors.

(well, tho she always does so)


我還看到了一家幾個小兄弟開著貨車在那邊賣大腸包小腸和其他炸(煎)物, 現在我們這一代的年輕人, 只要肯認真打拼, 大家都是潛力股! 


I saw a couple of brothers doing BBQ business there on their lorry. In this generation, whoever is willing to work hard is worthy for courage.


如果您有注意, 台灣知名的餐飲休閒場所薰衣草森林門口上都會掛一個牌子寫著:

If you once notice that the announcement board at the gate of “Lavender Cottage“, you would see this sentence:

禁止攜帶悲傷, 憤怒, 焦躁, 不安, 悔恨, 忌妒, 憂愁, 沮喪, 壓力

Sadness, anger, irritability, anxiety, remorse, jealousy, sorrow, depression, stress are forbidden inside.



Please throw them into garbegge can before you get in.


人生就這麼一條路, 終點什麼時候到, 我們都不知道.

We only live once, and no one would know when is the destination.


唯有每一步都踏的堅實, 踏的穩固 , 珍惜每一個你在乎的人相處的每一刻. 


Cherish every second you have with the ppl you care, make it steady, make it real.


沿途風景可能滄桑, 可能誘惑, 可能五彩, 當您看不清前面的路時, 請您閉上眼 想想身邊的家人 朋友 曾讓你感動的事情.

The view on this way might be full of vicissitudes, temptation or multicolored.

When you lost ur vision/mind, try to close your eyes and think of your family, fds, and whatever that once made you happy.



Each animal has a natural instinct to fight for survival.



We are getting stronger when we were beating harder.

人生遇到挫折, 不愉快, 都不是沒有解決之道. 暴力來洩憤自己的壓力也沒有幫助. 

There are always some ways to release your pressure or unhappiness. Violance solves nothing.


當你不知道如何思考時, 就找一件事情讓自己專心在他身上.

When you don’t know how to think, then just stop thinking. Find something that can grab your attention.


例如找一個嗜好, 一個興趣, 一個運動. 讓自己大腦不用胡思亂想好沉澱自己. 

Like seeking a habit, an interesting thing or a sport for letting ur brain rest and clam urself down.


有時候, 可能我們迷惘/但有時候, 可能我們只是暫時失落, 終將會有柳暗花明又一村. 

Sometimes, maybe we are lost /

But sometimes, we may only temporarily missed, eventually, there will be a silver lining.


有時候, 可能我們難過/但有時候, 可能我們只是忘記微笑, 終將會有微笑在某個轉角. 

Sometimes, we might be sad /

But sometimes, we mightjust forget to smile, eventually, there will be a smile come out from the corner.


有時候, 可能我們閃躲/但有時候, 可能我們只是害怕事實, 終將學會面對接受處理放下. 

Sometimes, we may want to dodge /

But sometimes, we might just afraid the facts, eventually, we need to learn to accept it, deal it and face it.


有時候, 可能我們孤寂/但有時候, 可能我們只是忘了獨立, 終將領悟家, 是最後避風港. 

Sometimes, we may feel lonely /

But sometimes, maybe we just forgot how to be independent, eventually, we’ll realize that home is the final Shelter.


如果您還是有話想說, 想對現在的自己, 他她祂, 親人, 情人, 或朋友, 但你說不出口.

If you got something to say, for the one you are now, for her, him, God, family, lover, ore fds, but you are shy to express.

不妨寫封信吧. 言語無法表達的, 就讓文字成為你的傳話使者. 

Try to write it down. Let the words be your messenger when the mouth is out of control! 

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Written by


📌Born in Taiwan, been lived in more than 7 countries.

🗣️中国語.英語.台湾語.広東語/日本語勉強中(꒪˙꒳˙꒪ )

🎁 23rd April

📘 University of Queensland 2011-2012 (MA)

💃 旅行が好き、写真が好き、漫画が好き、アニメが好き、新しいものが好き。
